It's all snow all the time. I really don't like snow that much, but have devised ways to try to come to terms with it and not get too depressed about how freaking cold it is in the winter around here. Seriously, it bugs me. I'm the one who likes it to be 80 degrees or more, so when it gets down into the teens and below zero, I kind of get pissy. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else though..born and raised here in Massachusetts and not planning on leaving it. Here are some of the ways, as a snow hater, I've tried to come to terms with my climate.
- Four Wheel Drive - I've owned 4WD vehicles in the past, and don't really know why I ever bought a two wheel drive vehicle to begin with. I JUST traded in my little car for a 4WD, and what a difference. OK, so now I don't mind driving in it so much.
- Snow shoeing - THIS is an amazing way to get out and enjoy the cold. You get warmed up hiking around in the woods (I've found if you put on like 26 layers, including ski pants and long underwear, you can actually sweat your ass off) and you get to see lots and lots of animal tracks and evidence of wildlife. This winter I've seen bobcat, fox, squirrel, mice, rabbits and mink trails. The mink trails are the best, they have these little slidey marks where they've scooted down hills on their bellies. So much fun!
- Cross country skiing - Another fantastic way to heat up a bitter cold day and actually learn to enjoy the snow. There are many many groomed trails you can visit and pay to use, but you can also find lots of free places to ski...just look for snowmobile trails (but watch out for them...they are easy to hear coming so you won't be surprised).
Sleeping - here's another way to enjoy the cold. Stay Inside! It's fun to look out at the wintery landscape, and if you can afford it, crank your heat up or put on your electric blanket and get back into bed with that cup of coffee. There's always something to be done, but I'm learning how to relax and enjoy the winter landscape from the warmth of the great indoors.
- Baking - One of my favorite things to do in the winter. Bake lots of cookies and some pies and you'll be happy happy happy. I just saw a recipe on Smitten Kitchen for Buckeyes...Wow, that's next.
- Sewing - of course, I LOVE being tucked inside all day with nothing to do but work in the sweatshop. Surrounded by cats, a steaming cup of tea, and a great scene of snow falling outside my window, I can sew all day when it's like this.
Some of your remedies are the same as mine. I love being indoors, with a cup of tea, something to crochet or read, and some good music!"Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!" ^_^